New Delhi. In cases of cyber crime in India in recent years has increased rapidly. This year compared to last year, the number of cyber crime can be doubled. According to the study, in 2015 the number of such cases could reach 3 million. Mahindra SSG-chamber studies have been warned about the high incidence of cyber crime. The study states that the serious economic and national challenges such crime can stand.
Because of the growing trend of smartphones and tablets now proven online banking and financial transactions is becoming risky. Economic development on the way India has emerged as a haven for cyber criminals. Internet with their weapons at the criminal abuse of others, send fake emails, fraud and other crime are like. Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra are the highest such cases.
According to the report, between 2011 and 2014 grew wildly in such crimes. Cyber crime cases reported in 2011 was 13 301. However, in 2013 this number increased to 22 060 in 2012 to over 71 thousand. While in 2014 there were 149 254 cases. America, Europe, Brazil, Turkey, China, Pakistan and Bangladesh as the country most cyber crime is being committed.
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